AR15974647 «Development of modern biotechnologies for the conservation of biodiversity of endemic species Tulipa sp. Northern and Central Kazakhstan»


Currently, the anthropogenic impact on the biosphere has become global. Endemic plant species are most often endangered. Kazakhstan is a key center for the distribution of tulips in the world; 9 species of tulips grow in Northern and Central Kazakhstan, 2 of which are endemic: Tulipa auliekolica, Tulipa turgaica. The conservation of these species is a serious problem, for which the use of biotechnology methods associated with preservation and propagation in vitro culture is proposed.

Project goal

to develop modern biotechnological approaches for preserving the biodiversity of little-studied endemic tulips (T.auliekolica, T.turgaica) of Northern and Central Kazakhstan.

Expected results

  • As a result of the research, new knowledge will be obtained about the places of natural growth and morphology of the poorly studied endemic species Tulipa sp. of Northern and Central Kazakhstan.
  • Highly effective systems for the conservation and propagation of poorly studied endemic Tulipa sp of Kazakhstan under in vitro conditions will be developed.
  • The processes of morphogenesis and organogenesis in various types of explants of T.auliekolica, T.turgaica in vitro culture will be studied, and for the first time an in vitro collection of endemic Tulipa sp. of  Northern and Central Kazakhstan will be created.
  • The genetic diversity of endemic Tulipa sp. will be investigated, as well as the genetic uniformity of cloned plants using modern marker systems.


Nagmetova G.Zh. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) H-index – 1 ResearcherID: N-9822-2017 Scopus AuthorID: 57218566741 ORCID: 0000-0002-1848-6489

Research team members

Tagimanova Damelya Seitovna, master, Hirsch index: 1; Researcher ID: AGH-1325-2022; ORCID: 0000-0002-9020-4247; Scopus Author ID: 57194835810

Raizer Olesya Borisovna, master, H-index: 2; Researcher ID: Q-5108-2017; ORCID: 0000-0003-0754-3342; Scopus Author ID: 14827061500

Kubentaev Serik Argynbekovich, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Hirsch Index – 2; Scopus Author ID: 57207908964; ORCID: 0000-0002-0369-0591

Shevtsov Vladislav Aleksandrovich, master, Hirsch index – 3; ORCID: 0000-0001-6202-2123; Scopus ID: 57216896596

Tumenbaeva Asem Ryskulbekovna, master, Hirsch index – 2; Scopus Author ID: 57216894029; ORCID: 0000-0001-6360-1936

Magzumova Saule Maratovna, master, Hirsch index – 0; Researcher ID: ACC-8052-2022 ORCID: 0000-0002-4346-4919

Publications of the scientific supervisor and research group

  1. Nagmetova, G.; Berthold-Pluta, A.; Garbowska, M.; Kurmanbayev, A.; Stasiak-Różańska, L. Antibacterial Activity of Biocellulose with Oregano Essential Oil against Cronobacter Strains. Polymers 2020, 12, 1647.
  2. Nagmetova, G., Berdimuratova, K., Amirgazin, A., Shevtsov, V., Ismailova, A., Ramankulov, Y., Kurmanbayev, A. (2020). Draft Genome Sequence of a Potential Commercial Biocellulose Producer, Strain Komagataeibacter europaeus GH1. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 9(42). doi:10.1128/mra.00963-20
  3. Niyazbekova Zh.T., Nagmetova G.Zh., Kurmanbayev A.A. An overview of bacterial cellulose applications // Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. – 2018. – № 2. – P. 17-25.
  4. Nagmetova G.Zh., Kurmanbayev A.A. Isolation and identification of bacterial cellulose producers to obtain a biotechnological product promising for medicine and biotechnology // Eurasian journal of Applied Biotechnology. – 2019. – № 2. – Р. 116-122.
  5. Штамм Komagataeibacter sp.GH1, продуцирующий биоцеллюлозу, для использования в медицине и биотехнологии. Нагметова Г.Ж., Курманбаев А.А., Раманкулов Е.М. Пат. 5382 РК: C12N 1/20; заявитель и патентообладатель Нур-Султан, Нац. центр биотехнологии. №2020/0516.2; заявл. 02.06.2020; опубл.18.09.2020, Бюл. № 37 – 4 с.
  6. Штамм Bacillus sp. Ж105-11, продуцирующий биосурфактанты, используемый для повышения нефтеотдачи пластов Раманкулов Е.М., Курманбаев А.А., Сарсенова А.С., Нагметова Г.Ж., Аюпова А.Ж. Пат. 3021 РК: МПК FG4K заявитель и патентообладатель Астана, Нац. Центр биотехнологии. – № 2017/0625.2; заявл. 26.09.2017; опубл. 16.10.2018,
  7. Тurzhanova, A., Khapilina, O.N., Tumenbayeva, A., Shevtsov, V., Raiser, O., Kalendar, R. Genetic diversity of Alternaria species associated with black point in wheat grains (2020) PeerJ, 2020 (3), e9097.
  8. Raiser O.B., Khapilina O.N. Culture in vitro of rare and endemic species of Allium (A. ledebourianum, A. altaicum), 2020. 2nd International Scientific Conference “Plants and Microbes: the Future of Biotechnology”. DOI: 10.28983/PLAMIC2020.204
  9. Khapilina O.N., Turzhanova A.S., Shevtsov V.A., Tumenbaeva A.R., Raiser O.B., Tagimanova D.S., Kalendar R.N. The study of genetic polymorphism of fungal pathogens using iPBS assays// Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. – 2020. – №1. – Р. 61-69. DOI: 10.11134/btp.1.2020.6
  10. Мaгзумoвa С.М. Регенерaция и рaзмнoжение лукa мелкoсетчaтoгo Allium microdictyon в услoвиях in vitro // Мaт.межд.нaучнoй кoнференции студентoв и мoлoдых ученых «Фaрaби Əлемі». – Aлмaты, 2020. – С.67.
  11. Рaйзер O.Б., Мaгзумoвa С.М. Oптимизaция культивирoвaния in vitro редких и эндемичных видoв лукa (A. ledebourianum, A. altaicum) // Мaт.межд.нaучнoй кoнференции студентoв и мoлoдых ученых «Фaрaби Əлемі». – Aлмaты, 2020. – С.77.
  12. Novakovskaya AP, Raizer OB, Danilova AN, Khapilina ON. In vitro cultivation of rare and endemic Allium sp. species // Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. – 2018. DOI: 10.11134/btp.2.2018.6
  13. Kalendar RN, Aizharkyn KS, Khapilina ON, Amenov AA, Tagimanova DS 2017. Plant diversity and transcriptional variability assessed by retrotransposon-based molecular markers. Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 21(1): 128-134.
  14. Tagimanova DS, KhapilinaO., AmenovA., DanilovaA., Kalendar R. Genetic diversity of Rhodiola sp. in Altai as assessed by intron polymorphism markers// Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology – 2017.-№2. – DOI: 10.11134/btp.2.2017.6
  15. Tagimanova DS, Khapilina ON, Amenov AA, Kalendar RN 2016. Экстрaкция ДНК из гербaрных oбрaзцoв рoдиoлы рoзoвoй (Rhodiola rosea). Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology, 3: 51-56. DOI:10.11134/btp.3.2016.6
  16. Пaтент нa пoлезную мoдель №3755 «Спoсoб пoлучения рaстений лукa aлтaйскoгo в услoвиях in vitro» // Хaпилинa O.Н., Рaйзер O.Б., Кoтухoв Ю.A., Дaнилoвa A.Н., Нoвaкoвскaя A.П., Рaмaнкулoв Е.М. – Пaтентooблaдaтель: РГП «Нaциoнaльный центр биoтехнoлoгии» КН МOН РК. – oпубл.07.03.2019, Бюл. №10

Results for 2023

Source material of endemic Tulipa sp from northern and central Kazakhstan (T.auliekolica, T.turgaica) was collected for introduction into in vitro culture. For this purpose, expedition trips to the territory of Northern and Central Kazakhstan were organized (expedition route: Astana-Astrakhanka-Atbasar-Kostanay-Nauryzym-Torgai-Amangeldy-Arkalyk-Astana). As a result, two natural populations of T. turgaica and one population of T. auliekolica were identified. During the expedition, seeds and bulbs of endemic Tulipa sp. were collected for introduction into in vitro culture. The nucleotide sequences of ITS, matK, rbcl of the T. auliekolica, T.turgaica were studied and deposited in the NCBI global data system. Accession numbers were obtained for the ITS sequences of the regions of the studied tulip species (OR634830, OR634831 OR634833).

Endemic species T. auliekolica, T.turgaica were introduced into in vitro culture. For introduction into in vitro culture, mature seeds, bulbs and ovules were used as starting material. The stages of stratification and sterilization of explants were optimized. In the presence of growth regulators: BAP (5-10 mg/l), NAA (1 mg/l) and 2.4 D (5-10 mg/l), primary cultures of both types of tulips were obtained in vitro. Sterile tulip seedlings were obtained from seeds on MS medium supplemented with 6-BAP at a concentration of 0.5 mg/l and NAA 0.2 mg/l. When using onion scale segments, the optimal solution is MS medium with the addition of ZEA and NAA in a 3:1 ratio. At the initial stage of morphogenesis, the size of the covering scales of seedlings increases, which takes on the character of a hollow sac. As a result of this process, several adventitious buds are formed on the inner surface of the scales, which subsequently develop into leaf structures, reaching a length of 15 to 20 millimeters. The average number of shoots per seedling was 3-4. In parallel with the growth processes of microshoots, the formation of dense callus was observed.