Head of laboratory, Ph.D.
Expert in genomics, proteomics and mass spectrometry. Visiting scholar at the Research Center for Medical Genetics, Russia (2012). Researcher at the Institute Gustave-Roussy, France (2011-2012), “Formation à la Génomique et à la Protéomique” award. World Federation of Scientists Scholarship, Geneva, Switzerland (2010). Master’s degree at Montana State University, USA (2007-2009). h-index – 7 (Scopus).
ORCID ID – 0000-0003-2075-307X
Scopus ID – 35076539700
Research directions
- Research in the field of proteomics, genomics and metabolomics using mass spectrometry;
- Search for new proteomic and epigenetic biomarkers of cancer;
- Identification and study of microorganisms using mass spectrometry (Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts, fungi).
Innovative developments
- A method for diagnosing the risk of restenosis in the Kazakh population after stenting the coronary arteries. Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan№30963;
- A method for determining ABO blood group by real-time PCR. Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan№30241;
- Method for determining the complete sequence of human mtDNA. Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan №25562;
- Anabolic preparation. Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan №21049.
Core publications
Kulyyassov A., Fresnais M., Longuespée R.
Targeted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of proteins: Basic principles, applications, and perspectives // Proteomics. ‒ 2021.
Kulyyassov A.
Application of skyline for analysis of protein–protein interactions in vivo // Molecules. ‒ 2021.
Tarlykov P., Atavliyeva S., Auganova D., Akhmetollayev I., Loshakova T., Varfolomeev V., Ramankulov
Mitochondrial DNA analysis of ancient sheep from Kazakhstan: evidence for early sheep introduction // Heliyon. – 2021.
Nugmanova R., Ramankulov Y., Tarlykov P.
Damage-Induced Mutation Clustering in Gram-Positive Bacteria: Preliminary Data // Symmetry. – 2022.
Gaipov A., Makhammajanov Zh., Dauyey Zh., Markhametova Zh., Mussina K., Nogaibayeva A., Kozina L., Auganova D., Tarlykov P., Bukasov R., Utegulov Zh., Turebekov D.
Urinary Protein Profiling for Potential Biomarkers of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Pilot Study // Diagnostics. – 2022.
Kulyyassov A., Ramankulov Y., Ogryzko V.
Generation of Peptides for Highly Efficient Proximity Utilizing Site-Specific Biotinylation in Cells // Life. ‒ 2022.