Head of laboratory, Ph.D.
Specialist in the field of molecular biology and genetics (signaling systems in cells, microbiology, mycology, parasitology). Author of more than 200 scientific papers, H-index – 5 (Scopus).
Over the years, for his special contribution to science, he was awarded a gold medal of the World Intellectual Property Organization in the category “Best Young Inventor” (Geneva, Switzerland, 2009), a diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017), and an anniversary medal of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (2020), badge “Excellence in Agriculture” (2021). Laureate of the State Scholarship for talented young scientists for 2015, 2018 and 2021. for the Republic of Kazakhstan. Best Scientist 2022.
ORCID ID – 0000-0001-9787-9151
Scopus ID – 6701646393
Research directions
- Molecular phytopathology;
- Molecular and biochemical studies of interactions between viruses and plants;
- Study of molecular genetic mechanisms of plant adaptation to biotic stress factors;
- Molecular diagnostics of viral phytopathogens of grain crops;
- Identification of microorganisms based on nucleotide sequence analysis;
- Genetic identification of animal and human parasites.
Core publications
Smagulova, A., Uakhit, R., Kiyan, V.
First Record of Alternaria alternata Causing Necrosis of Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) in Kazakhstan // Plant Disease. - 2022
Abdybekova A., Yalysheva S., Zhaksylykova A., Uakhit R., Kiyan V.
Gastrointestinal helminthiases of dogs with molecular genetic identification of echinococcosis // Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology, (3), 51–57.
Uakhit R., Smagulova A., Syzdykova A., Abdrakhmanov S.,Kiyan V.
Genetic diversity of Echinococcus spp. in wild carnivorous animals in Kazakhstan. Veterinary World, 2022, 15(6): 1489–1496.
Абдыбекова А.М.,Киян В.С., Абдибаева А.А., Толепова Г.К.
О распространении описторхоза в Павлодарской области. Научно-практический журнал "Ғылым және білім" Западно-Казахстанского аграрно-технического университета имени Жангир хана, Уральск, 2022, №1 (66). – С. 46-54. DOI 10.52578/2305-9397-2022-1-1-46-54.
Uakhit R., Smagulova A., Lider L., Leontev S., Berber A.,Kiyan V.
Species composition of wolf (Canis Lupus) helminth fauna in Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. – 2022, № 1. – Р. 49–58.
Smagulova А.М., Uakhit R.S., Lider L.А., Lyalchenko А.S.,Kiyan V.S.
Distribution and genetic features of the causative agent of Alaria alata in wild carnivores of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. – 2022, № 2. – Р. 38–43.
Чалова Л.Р., Турдалиева Б.С., Киян В.С., Кинжибаев А.А.
Характеристика доноров ооцитов в Республике Казахстан. Репродуктивная медицина, Алматы, 2022, №2 (51). – С. 14-21.