The main idea of this project is to establish the types of fungal pathogens of groundnut plants common in Kazakhstan for the further development of diagnostic test systems and the fight against these pests. Research will be conducted on the territory of the main regions of Kazakhstan, where chickpeas are grown, or its seed production is carried out.
We have conducted preliminary work with available open sources reporting on the problems of growing chickpeas in Kazakhstan to understand the existing problems in the field of phytopathology of this culture. However, such data are absent or have a fragmentary nature that does not allow us to see the full picture. There is no complete map of diseases in Kazakhstan and the species composition of the causative agents. In addition, the analysis of the data shows that traditional processing schemes are used to combat groundnut diseases without analysis of the pathogen and the action of the fungicide used on its active substance. An open question remains what pathogens are common in Kazakhstan, their genetic characteristics, and optimal methods of combating existing diseases. Analogous studies were not conducted in the territory of Kazakhstan.
Determination of the genetic identity of various types of fungal diseases of chickpeas in five regions of Kazakhstan (Kostanay, North Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Akmola and Almaty) using bioinformatics and molecular genetics methods.
Expected results
Upon completion of the project there will be:
- biological material was collected to identify fungal diseases of chickpea;
- the taxonomic affiliation of the studied fungal species was established based on morphometric and morphological characteristics;
- protocols and methods for isolating genomic DNA of fungi depending on the stage of the life cycle were developed and a collection of genomic DNA was created;
- PCR analysis was carried out to generate amplicons of marker regions of the genome of pathogens of various fungal diseases of chickpea;
- nucleotide sequences of marker genes were deciphered using the Sanger sequencing method and deposited in the GenBank database;
- a bioinformatics analysis was carried out and the species identity of the identified fungi infecting the chickpea crop in the study area was established.
Project leader
Dyussembayev Kazbek Amzeuly, PhD. H -index 2, Researcher ID: ABD-9235–2021, ORCID: 0000-0003-4429-1017, Scopus Author ID: 57224632770.
Research team members
Kiyan Vladimir Sergeevich, PhD, associate professor. H -index 7, Researcher ID: O-7403-2017, ORCID: 0000-0001-9787-9151, Scopus Author ID: 6701646393.
Smagulova Ainura Muratovna,Master of Engineering Science. H -index 3, Researcher ID: P-7618-2017, ORCID: 0000-0002-3067-3666, Scopus Author ID: 57213811809
Uakhit Rabiga Seitbattalkyzy, Master of Engineering Science. H -index 3, ORCID: 0000-0001-7737-7162, Scopus Author ID: 57226673682
Publications and documents of protection of the scientific director of the project and members of the research group concerning the topic of the project
- Dyussembayev K., Shalakhmetova G. & Alikulov Z. (2016). Study on nitrate and nitrite reducing activity of xanthine oxidase in camel and horse milk. FEBS Journal, 283, 415. DOI: 10.1111/febs.13808. Percentile – 91. Q1, Impact Factor – 5,5.
- Dyussembayev K., Kulataeva M., Kussainova A., Shalakhmetova G. & Alikulov Z. (2016). Study on nitrate and nitrite reducing activity of mare’s milk and their seasonal changes. Massachusetts Review of Science and Technologies, 857.
- Дюсембаев, К., Кулатаева, М., Шалахметова, Г., Аликулов, З. (2016). Новый быстрый метод определения молибден ксантиноксидазы молока животных. Вестник КазНУ. Серия биологическая, Алматы, №3 (68). – C. 134–142.
- Dyussembayev K., Sambasivam P., Bar I., Brownlie J. C., Shiddiky M. J. A. & Ford R. (2021). Biosensor Technologies for Early Detection and Quantification of Plant Pathogens. Frontiers in Chemistry, 9, 144. Percentile – 82. Q2, Impact Factor – 3,8.
- Dyussembayev K. (2023). Stabilization of nitrogen metabolism in chickpea through foliar fertilization. Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology, 3, 60-64.
- Kanapiya, A., Amanbayeva, U., Tulegenova, Z., Abash, A., Zhangazin, S., Dyussembayev, K. & Mukiyanova, G. (2024). Recent advances and challenges in plant viral diagnostics. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15:1451790. Percentile – 88. Q1, Impact Factor – 4,1.
- Аманбаева, У., Дюсембаев, К., Елюбаева, Д., Жаксылыков, А., Смагулова, А., Киян, В., Мукиянова, Г., & Тулегенова, Ж. (2024). Қазақстандағы алма цитоспорозының қоздырғыштарына морфологиялық және генетикалық сипаттама. Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology, (3S), 147.
- Yelyubayeva, D., Amanbayeva, U., Zhaxylykov, A., Smagulova, A., Dyussembayev, K., & Tulegenova, Z. (2024). Cultural and morphological characteristics of causal agents of Cytospora canker of apple trees in Kazakhstan. Journal of Biological Research, 1(3), 26–32.
- Dyussembayev K., Akpe V., Yechshzhanov T., Cheesman M. J., Kim T. H. & Cock I. E. (2024). Amplification-free detection of Ascochyta blight in chickpea using a simple molecular beacon assay. Scientific Reports, 14:23846. Percentile – 92. Q1, Impact Factor – 3,8.
- Tulegenova Z., Amanbayeva U., Shalabayeva A.M., Yelyubayeva D., Zhaxylykov A., Uakhit R., Smagulova A., Kiyan V., Dyussembayev K. & Mukiyanova G. (2025). Identification and Pathogenicity of Causal Agents of Apple Canker Disease in Kazakhstan. Horticulturae, 11(1), 45. Percentile – 78. Q1, Impact Factor – 3,1.
- Киян В.С., Смагулова А.М. Проверка кормовых злаковых культур на бактериальную и грибковую обсемененность. Вестник СемГУ. Серия биологическая, Семей, 2019, №1 (85). – С. 235–239.
- Смагулова А.М., Никулина А.И., Киян В.С., Яцюк С.В. Фитопотологическая экспертиза семенного материала зерновых культур Северного и Центрального Казахстана. Вестник Науки Казахского агротехнического университета имени С. Сейфуллина, Нур-Султан, 2019, № 3(102). – С.205-215.
- Абдуллоев Ф.М., Швидченко В.К., Киян В.С. Идентификация генов пшеницы, обуславливающих устойчивость по отношению к патогенным грибам. Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им. С. Сейфуллина (междисциплинарный), 2021, №2 (109). – C.188-198.
- Smagulova A., Uakhit R., Kiyan V. First Record of Alternaria alternata causing necrosis of Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) in Kazakhstan. Plant Disease, 2022, 106:11, 2987. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-11-21-2523-PDN. Percentile – 75. Q1, Impact Factor – 4,438.
- Kiyan V., Smagulova A., Kovenskiy A., Bekenova A., Uakhit R. First report of stem rot of Adenium obesum and leaf spot of Persea americana caused by Aspergillus niger in Kazakhstan. Plant Disease, 2023, 107:9, 2849. Percentile – 75. Q1, Impact Factor – 4,438.
- Kiyan V., Smagulova A., Kukhar Y., Savin T., Bekenova A., Uakhit R. Phylogeny and Identification of Bacteriological pathogens Associated with Leaf Mottle of Sunflower in Northern Kazakhstan. Plant Disease, 2023, First Look. Percentile – 75. Q1, Impact Factor – 4,438.
Results achieved
The conducted study on collection and analysis of biological material of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in five regions of Kazakhstan (Akmola, Karaganda, Kostanay, North Kazakhstan, Almaty) revealed a significant presence of pathogenic fungal microorganisms. During microbiological studies of seeds and plant samples at the stages of seedlings and flowering, pathogens of fungal diseases were identified, including Ascochyta spp., Fusarium spp., Alternaria spp. and Aspergillus spp. These pathogens pose a threat to chickpea crops, causing diseases that reduce the quality and quantity of the harvest.
Pure fungal cultures were isolated on potato-glucose medium for cultural and morphological analysis. The growth characteristics and microscopic structure of the isolated pathogens made it possible to confirm the species affiliation and identify their key morphological features. For example, Ascochyta spp. isolated from samples in the Karaganda region is the causative agent of Ascochyta blight, a dangerous disease for chickpea. Fusarium spp., Alternaria spp. and Aspergillus spp., found in other regions, cause fusarium wilt, leaf spot formation and release of mycotoxins, respectively.