On May 29, The International Forum «Lessons of the Pandemic: Experience of Kazakhstan» was held in Astana, which began with the presentation of the book “QazVaC: TAITALAS”.
The first heads of a number of state and other bodies, international scientific organizations, scientists, prominent public figures, and media representatives took part in the official presentation of the book.
The President of the Board of NJSC «National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan» K. Zakarya, General Director of JSC «QazBioPharm» E. Abduramimov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan S. Nurbek and deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan A. Alnazarov.
It is worth noting that the documentary publicist book “QazVaC: TAYTALAS” is dedicated to the feat of Kazakh scientists who created a domestic vaccine during the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.
“The book development team personally met with scientists, leaders and presented readers with answers to the questions: how was the QazVac vaccine developed? What obstacles had to be overcome? How was the domestic vaccine production plant built? What is its significance? The pandemic is over, but the work of scientists and medical workers in the fight against the pandemic should not be forgotten, the book is being published for this purpose,” said Kunsulu Zakarya.
After the presentation, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Kulginov, Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Alnazarova, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan S. Nurbek, Chairman of the Board of Directors of National Holding QazBioPharm JSC B. Saparbayev , President of the Board of NJSC “National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan” under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan” K. Zakaria made a welcoming speech.
Speakers and participants shared their views and discussed the experience of Kazakhstan in combating the COVID-19 pandemic, mechanisms and strategies in the prevention and prediction of biological threats, and advanced technologies for the development of new drugs and agents against COVID-19 to ensure biological safety.
Presentations were made by: Measures to respond to COVID-19 taken in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Lessons (Giniyat Azhar, Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan), experience of Kazakhstan in the development and production of a vaccine against COVID-19 (Abduraimov Yergali Orynbasarovich, General Director of KazBioPharm National Holding JSC), COVID-19 pandemic in the United States: response and recovery (Shukhrat Mitalipov, Director of the Center for Embryonic Cell and Gene Therapy, Oregon University of Science and Health, Portland, USA), Experience in applying evidence-based approaches to patient management during COVID-19 in Kazakhstan (Erbol Maratovich Spataev, Project Manager, WHO Country Office in Kazakhstan), Response research and development of vaccines for the covid-19 pandemic in Turkey and what we should do for future pandemics (Osman Ergonis, professor at Selcuk University, Turkey), Conclusions on the pandemic: Formation of own production to ensure the drug safety of the country (Iskaliev Erhat Serikovich, Chairman of the Board of LLP SK-Pharmacy), Campaigns to promote vaccination against COVID-19: the experience of Kazakhstan (Oshakbaev Rakhim Sakenovich, Director of the Talap Center of the Public Foundation for Applied Research, member of the Board of Directors of KazBioPharm National Holding JSC), the COVID-19 pandemic and the transmission of the virus From Human to Animal (Sasan Fereyduni, Senior Research Fellow, Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria), Combating Coronavirus in the Kyrgyz Republic. Socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic (Akram Kambaralievich Madumarov, Head of the Laboratory of Microbiology, “Institute of Biotechnology” of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), Experience of NCB response to the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic: conclusions and ways (Skiba Yury Aleksandrovich, Head of the LLP branch “National Center for Biotechnology” in Almaty).
Also, at the QazBioPharm site, a photo exhibition “The History of the Creation of QazVac”, an exhibition of scientific achievements of the Holding’s subsidiaries and projects of business structures sponsoring the event, was presented.