Announcement “2023 Best Paper Award”

Dear Colleagues

We are pleased to announce the “2023 Best Paper Award” for research and review papers published in the Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology ( from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. The award will be given to one review article and two research articles. The articles will be selected after careful evaluation by an Award Committee led by the Editor-in-Chief of the Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology.

Eligibility for the Award

  • Articles published in the Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology in 2023
  • All scientists can participate without restrictions.

Selection Criteria

Articles will be selected by the Award Committee according to the following criteria:

  • The level of scientific novelty;
  • Originality of the research. The presence of a hypothesis
  • Scientific significance
  • Quality of received data (statistical analysis, validation of results)
  • Clarity of presentation
  • Number of citations of the article


  • Best Review Paper: 250,000 tenge
  • Best Research Paper: 250,000 tenge (two awards)
  • All winners will also receive a certificate “2023 Best Paper Award”.

The winners will be announced on websites of the journal ( and the National Center for Biotechnology ( in June, 2024.

Best regards,

Editorial staff of the Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology