AP19680152 Molecular characteristics of apple tree cytosporosis pathogens and identification of effective biocontrol agents for intensive horticulture in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The project is aimed at the molecular characterization and identification of pathogens of apple cytosporosis and the search for effective biocontrol agents for cytosporosis in Kazakhstan. Cytosporic drying and death of apple trees and seedlings is recognized as a global problem and threat to apple growing. Within the framework of the project, for the first time, diagnostics and characterization of apple cytospora pathogens will be carried out and natural cytospora antagonists will be identified in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan.


Characterize the causative agents of apple cytospora blight using molecular methods and identify effective cytospora biocontrol agents for intensive horticulture in Kazakhstan.

Expected results

  1. The morphological characteristics and phylogenetics of apple cytosporosis pathogens identified in the Almaty region will be studied. A cultural-morphological and phylogenetic analysis of the pathogens of apple cytosporosis identified in intensive apple orchards of the Almaty region will be carried out. A map of the distribution area of ​​the Cytospora pathogen will be created.
  2. The endophytic microflora of apple trees in sensitive apple trees will be characterized and compared with the endophytic microflora of healthy apple trees. Identification of endophytes will make it possible to select effective candidates for biocontrol of apple cytospora.
  3. The antagonistic properties of apple endophytes against cytospora will be tested (in vitro, in planta). Endophyte isolates with high biocontrol potential will be identified.

Project leader

Tulegenova Zhanar Asanbaevna, PhD, leading researcher, Hirsch index -3, Author ID in Scopus – 35723112200, Researcher ID Web of Science – O-8852-2016, ORCID ID – 0000-0002-8936-4796.

Research team members

Dyusembayev Kazbek Amzeuly, PhD, researcher, h-index-1, Researcher ID: ABD-9235–2021, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4429-1017, Scopus Author ID: 57224632770

Amanbaeva Ulbike Ibraevna, master, researcher Hirsch index 1, Author ID in Scopus: 57225885568, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9671-2381, Researcher ID Web of Science: – EKU-0935-2022

Elubaeva Dina Kozhabekovna, Bachelor of Science, laboratory assistant, H-index 0, ORCID ID: 0009-0001-3612-6743

Zhaksylykov Alikhan Zhomartovich, Bachelor of Science, junior researcher, H-index 0, Author ID Scopus: -, Researcher ID Web of Science: -, ORCID ID: 0009-0009-6599-4089

Publications and documents of protection of the scientific director of the project and members of the research group concerning the topic of the project

  1. Ismagulova, A., A.D. Spanbayev, Z. Tulegenova, и C. Eken. «First Report of Preharvest Fruit Rot of Strawberry Caused by Botrytis Cinerea in Kazakhstan». Plant Disease 105, вып. 1 (2021 г.): 213. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-03-20-0525-PDN. Процентиль в Scopus – 37, Квaртиль – Q1, Цитировaний -0
  2. Meiramkulova, K., A. Temirbekova, G. Saspugayeva, A. Kydyrbekova, D. Devrishov, Z. Tulegenova, K. Aubakirova, N. Kovalchuk, A. Meirbekov, и T. Mkilima. «Performance of a Combined Treatment Approach on the Elimination of Microbes from Poultry Slaughterhouse Wastewater». Sustainability (Switzerland) 13, вып. 6 (2021 г.). https://doi.org/10.3390/su13063467. Процентиль в Scopus – 66, Квaртиль – Q2, Цитировaний -4.
  3. Ospanova, A., L. Anuarova, A. Spanbayev, A. Sharipova, B. Gabdulkhayeva, B. Zhumabekova, G. Darzhuman, Z. Tulegenova, S. Kabieva, и K. Bairmurat. «Fungal Pathogens of Shrubs in Industrial Cities». Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 125, вып. 1 (2018 г.): 83–88. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41348-017-0094-8. Процентиль в Scopus – 68, Квaртиль – Q2, Цитировaний -1
  4. Ospanova, A., L. Anuarova, A. Spanbayev, Z. Tulegenova, Talgat Yechshzhanov, S. Shapalov, B. Gabdulkhayeva, B. Zhumabekova, S. Kabieva, и B. Baidalinova. «Cytospora cankers on tree plants in urban areas (Karaganda, Astana, Pavlodar) of central and northern Kazakhstan». Ekoloji 27 (1 янвaрь 2018 г.): 63–69. https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85058188268&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f  Процентиль в Scopus – 28, Квaртиль – Q4, Цитировaний -1
  5. Eken, C., A. Spanbayev, Z. Tulegenova, и T. Yechshzhanov. «First Report of Nigrospora Oryzae on Wheat in Kazakhstan». Plant Disease 100, вып. 4 (2016 г.): 861. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-08-15-0915-PDN. Процентиль в Scopus – 37, Квaртиль – Q1, Цитировaний -5.
  6. Tylegenova Zh.A., Khysan P.H., Kyzdarbek Y.S. Definition of the pathogen of dermatomycosis and its spread. Vestnik ENY im. L.N. Gymileva.-2017.- No. 2(117) – P.310-317.
  7. Tylegenova Zh.A., Spanbaev A.D., Eshzhanov T.E. etc. Optimization of methodical extraction of genomic DNA from mycelial fungi. Vestnik. Series of natural and technical sciences. – Astana: ENY im. L.N. Gymileva.- 2016. – No. 4 (113) C. 191-195.
  8. Tylegenova Zh.A., Mendygarina A.B., Spanbaev A.D., Raeva A.S. Determination of harmful fungi during wheat storage in the warehouses of Western Kazakhstan. Vestnik ENY im. L.N. Gymileva. -2015. – No. 2 (105). – S. 313-318.

Results achieved


The morphological characteristics and phylogenetics of apple cytosporosis pathogens identified in the Almaty region were studied.

A visual assessment of the symptoms of apple tree cytosporosis and collection of apple tree samples with symptoms of drying out of branches and trunks was carried out on the territory of intensive apple orchards in the Almaty region.

A cultural-morphological analysis was performed on the isolates of alma cytospores. The current biological activity was studied.

Publications in domestic publications

Elyubayeva D.K., Amanbayeva U.I., Zhaksylykov A.Zh., Smagulova A.M., Dysembaev K.Ə., Mukiyanova G.S., Tulegenova Z.A., Kiyan V.S. Cultural and morphological characteristics of causative agents of cytosporosis of apple trees in Kazakhstan “Phytosanitary safety: threats, challenges and solutions”: materials of the International scientific and practical conference devoted to the 65th anniversary of the founding institute (December 14-15, 2023, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan) . – Almaty, 2023. – 427 p.

Zhaksylykov A.Zh., Elyubaeva D.K., Amanbayeva U.I., Smagulova A.M., Dyusembaev K.A., Mukiyanova G.S., Tulegenova Z.A., Kiyan V.S. Molecular phylogeny of fungi of the genus Cytospora in the territory of Kazakhstan “Phytosanitary safety: threats, challenges and solutions”: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference devoted to the 65th anniversary of the Institute (December 14-15, 2023, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan). – Almaty, 2023. – 430 p.