Head of the Branch, Candidate of Biological Sciences
A highly qualified specialist in molecular biology and biological safety. He is the author of more than 50 scientific articles and 3 patents. In 2020, he was awarded the medal “Halyk Algysy” for his contribution to responding to the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic and leading the development of test systems for diagnosing coronavirus infection.
Areas of scientific interest: molecular genetic certification, genomic surveillance and study of drug resistance of dangerous and especially dangerous pathogens of human and animal infections, evolution and epidemiology of pathogenic microorganisms, development of diagnostic systems, recombinant technologies, structural and functional organization of the eukaryotic genome, regulation of gene expression, genetic engineering and biological safety.
A branch of the National Center of Biotechnology LLP in Almaty (AF NCB) was established in the Central Reference Laboratory (CRL) in September, 2017. AF NCB was created from scratch and staffed with qualified specialists in molecular biology, genetics, genetic engineering, immunology, veterinary medicine, and biotechnology.
Currently, AF NCB based on its competencies and experience, has the following strategic goals for development:
- Development of the Reference Center for Whole Genome Sequencing on the basis of the AF NCB with a role in the system of rapid response to biological threats and genetic certification of deposited strains of dangerous and especially dangerous pathogens.
- Development of R&D group to expand the range of diagnostic tools developed on the basis of advanced technologies.
- Dissemination of international knowledge and practices, as well as the development of standards and regulations in the field of ensuring biological safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Participation in the training and retraining of specialists in biological safety.
The NCB branch includes the following scientific units:
- Laboratory of Molecular Biology
- Laboratory of examination and diagnostics
- Laboratory of Immunology and Immunobiotechnology
- Department of Biosafety and Biosecurity
- Innovation and Development Department
- Department of office work and information and technical support
- Reference center for sequencing and genomic analysis of pathogens of dangerous and especially dangerous infections
Research directions
- rapid response to biological threats, including those caused by unknown pathogens, through metagenomic sequencing and genetic analysis;
- implementation of reference functions in the field of sequencing and genomic analysis of pathogens of dangerous and especially dangerous infections;
- development of new methods and diagnostic kits for identifying and analyzing the genetic characteristics of infectious agents;
- pilot production of developed diagnostic kits;
- development of control standard materials for genetic testing;
- reference quality control of used and new kits, materials and diagnostics;
- adaptation and active implementation of the latest methods and technologies in the study of pathogens of dangerous and especially dangerous diseases;
- genetic certification of strains of dangerous and especially dangerous pathogens stored and deposited in national collections using the method of whole-genome sequencing;
- study of the genotypes of pathogens circulating on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as newly emerging infections of known and unknown etiology;
- study of the immune response to pathogens circulating on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as to newly emerging infections of known and unknown etiology;
- development and implementation of national and international programs for the study of dangerous and especially dangerous infectious diseases;
- conducting in-depth genetic examination and referencing controversial diagnostic cases
Innovative developments
- Reagent kit for detecting SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus RNA using one-step multiplex RT-PCR with hybridization-fluorescence detection «Sarbeco/SARS-CoV-2 Screen». Approved in 2021. Validity period: January 28, 2026. Registration certificate number RK-IMN-5 No. 021887
Core publications
Zhigailov A.V., Neupokoyeva A.S., Maltseva E.R., Bissenbay A.O., Turebekov N.A., Frey S., Essbauer S., Abdiyeva K.S., Perfilyeva Y.V., Ostapchuk Y.O., Berdygulova Zh.A., Nizkorodova A.S., Kuatbekova S.A., Aimbetov R.S., Naizabayeva D.A., Dmitrovskiy A.M., Skiba Y.A. , Mamadaliyev S.M.
The prevalence of Borrelia in Ixodes persulcatus in southeastern Kazakhstan // Ticks and tick borne diseases. – 2021. Vol. 12. 101716. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2021.101716. (Impact Factor-3.005, Web of Science; Scopus – Q1).
Ostapchuk Y.O., Perfilyeva Y.V., Zhigailov A.V., Maltseva E.R., Neupokoyeva A.S., Bissenbay A.O., Berdygulova Z.A., Naizabayeva D.A., Nizkorodova A.S., Shapiyeva Z.Zh., Yegemberdiyeva R.A., Kuznetsova T.V., Kuatbekova S., Akanova A., Ismagulova G.A., Mamadaliyev S.M., Dmitrovsky A.M., Skiba Y.A.
Monitoring of pathogenic Borrelia Burgdorferi sensu lato in Almaty oblast, Kazakhstan // Ticks and tick borne diseases.– 2021. Vol. 12. 101725. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2021.101725. (Impact Factor-3.005, Web of Science; Scopus – Q1).
Перфильева Ю.В., Остапчук Е.О., Найзабаева Д.А., Неупокоева А.С., Туребеков Н.А., Ералиева Л.Т., Дмитровский А.М.
Клинический случай пятнистой клещевой риккетсиозной лихорадки без сыпи // Эпидемиология инфекционные болезни. Актуальные вопросы.– 2021. - Т. 1, №11. - С. 57-61. doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/epidem.2021.11.1.57-61. (Индекс цитируемости РИНЦ – 0,354).
Жигайлов А.В., Остапчук Е.О., Перфильева Ю.В., Абдолла Н., Мальцева Э.Р., Найзабаева Д.А., Куатбекова С., Машжан А., Низкородова А.С., Бердыгулова Ж.А., Скиба Ю.А., Мамадалиев С.М.
Анализ рисков распространения катаральной лихорадки овец в Казахстане // Вестник КарУ. Серия биология. Медицина. География. - 2022. – Т. 2. С. 71-81. DOI 10.31489/2022BMG1/71-81. (Импакт-фактор 0,028 за 2019 г. по КазБЦ, журнал рекомендован ККСОН МОН РК).
Ostapchuk Y.O., Perfilyeva Y.V., Kali A., Tleulieva R., Yurikova O.Yu., Stanbekova G.E., Karalnik B.V., Belyaev N.N.
Fc Receptor is Involved in NK Cell Functional Anergy Induced by Miapaca2 Tumor Cell Line // Immunological Investigations. -2022. Vol. 51 (1). - P. 138-153. doi: 10.1080/08820139.2020.1813757. (Impact Factor-3.044, Q1 (76% Immunology) Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, CiteScore - 4.9, (42% Immunology) Scopus).
Жигайлов А.В., Машжан А.С., Бисенбай А.О., Остапчук Е.О., Перфильева Ю.В., Мальцева Э.Р., Найзабаева Д.А., Бердыгулова Ж.А., Скиба Ю.А., Мамадалиев С.М.
Анализ рисков распространения оспы верблюдов в Казахстане // Вестник КазНУ. Серия экологическая. - 2022. – Т. 71, №2. – С. 94-102. doi.org/10.26577/EJE.2022.v71.i2.09. (журнал рекомендован ККСОН МОН РК).
Zhigailov A.V., Perfilyeva Y.V., Maltseva E.R., Ostapchuk Y.O., Cherusheva A.S., Naizabayeva D.A., Nizkorodova A.S., Berdygulova Zh.A., Mashzhan A.S., Bissenbay A.O., Kuatbekova S.A., Koshemetov Zh.K., Abdolla N., Skiba Y.A., Mamadaliyev S.M.
Identification and characterization of bluetongue virus in Culicoides spp. and clinically healthy livestock in southeastern Kazakhstan // Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. – 2022. – P. 101895. doi:10.1016/j.cimid.2022.101895 (Impact Factor-2.729, Q1 (81% Veterinary Science) Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, CiteScore - 3.7, (86% Infectious Diseases) Scopus).
Zhigailov A.V., Maltseva E.R., Perfilyeva Y.V., Ostapchuk Y.O., Naizabayeva D.A., Berdygulova Zh.A., Kuatbekova S.A., Nizkorodova A.S., Mashzhan A.S., Gavrilov A.E., Abayev A.Zh., Akhmetollayev I.A., Mamadaliyev S.M., Skiba Y.A.
Prevalence a genetic diversity of coronaviruses, astroviruses and paramyxoviruses in wild birds in southeastern Kazakhstan // Heliyon/ - 2022. – Vol. 8, № 11. – e11324. doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e11324. (Impact Factor-3.665, Q1 (94% Multidisciplinary Sciences) Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, CiteScore - 5.4, (82% Infectious Diseases) Scopus).
Ostapchuk Y.O., Perfilyeva Y.V., Zhigailov A.V., Bissenbay A.O., Neupokoyeva A.S., Kuatbekova S., Dmitrovskiy A.M., Naizabayevа D.A., Berdygulova Z.A., Maltseva E.R., Mamadaliyev S.M., Skiba Y.A.
Epidemiology and molecular genetic characteristics of pathogenic Borrelia in the Almaty oblast, Kazakhstan // International Symposium "One Health - a look into the future". – Almaty, 27 November, - 2022. – P. 63.
Бумбуриди Е.В., Березовский Д.В., Жакипбаева Б.Т., Шапиева Ж.Ж., Бердыгулова Ж.А., Остапчук Е.О.
Распространенность риккетсиозов среди госпитализированных больных и риккетсий среди клещей в Павлодарской области Казахстана, 2019 год // Мат-лы Международного симпозиума «Единое здоровье – взгляд в будущее». – Алматы, 27 ноября, - 2022. С. 72.
Бердыгулова Ж.А., Перфильева Ю.В., Черушева А.С., Остапчук Е.О., Жигайлов А.В., Мальцева Э.Р., Низкородова А.С., Машжан А.С., Абдолла Н., Найзабаева Д.А., Куатбекова С.А., Бисенбай А.О., Исмагулова Г.А., Скиба Ю.А., Мамадалиев С.М., Дмитровский А.М.
Выявление риккетсий группы пятнистой лихорадки в клещах, собранных в Алматинской области Республики Казахстан // Мат-лы Международного симпозиума «Единое здоровье – взгляд в будущее». – Алматы, 27 ноября, - 2022. С. 71.
Жигайлов А.В., Бердыгулова Ж.А., Мальцева Э.Р., Гаврилов А.Э., Абаев А.Ж., Машжан А.С., Перфильева Ю.В., Остапчук Е.О., Низкородова А.С., Найзабаева Д.А., Куатбекова С.А., Бисенбай А.О., Скиба Ю.А., Мамадалиев С.М.
Изучение генетического разнообразия коронавирусов, астровирусов и парамиксовирусов в диких птицах юго-восточного Казахстана // Мат-лы Международного симпозиума «Единое здоровье – взгляд в будущее». – Алматы, 27 ноября, - 2022. С. 70.
Перфильева Ю.В., Машжан А.С., Жигайлов А.В., Остапчук Е.О., Бердыгулова Ж.А., Бисенбай А.О., Мальцева Э.Р., Найзабаева Д.А., Скиба Ю.А., Дмитровский А.М., Мамадалиев С.М.
Распространенность лихорадки ку в южном регионе Казахстана // Вестник КазНУ. Серия экологическая. - 2022. – Т. 73, №4. – С. 99-110. doi.org/10.26577/EJE.2022.v73.i4.010. (журнал рекомендован ККСОН МОН РК).